Blackjack Fruit Salad


Four for a penny, Blackjacks were little chewy sweets wrapped in greaseproof black and white paper wrappings and a favourite for the old mixed-bag selection. More like a chalk grey than jet black, too many of them would turn the inside of your mouth and tongue a nasty black colour, much to the dismay of many mums. Because of this, it wasn't a good sweet to sneakily eat at playtimes. Blackjacks often used to be mixed with 'Fruit Salad', a chew sweet or around the same size with a distinct favour and bright yellow and red wrappers.

Blackjack Fruit Salad Vegan

Watercress-Fruit Salad: Toss peach wedges and watermelon cubes with watercress. Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice; season with salt and pepper. Very simple fruit salad that's very easy to prepare. I used fresh pineapple instead of canned red grapes instead of green and mardarin oranges along with the apple and banana. I toped off the glasses I served the fruit salad in with maraschino cherries. Blackjack Pizza is FRESH, Never frozen! From the dough and sauce to the cheese and veggies and now our awesome Salads, Blackjack Pizza is changing the way pizza delivery pizza is made.