Fan Tan Casino

The Fan-Tan Hotel is not a real place in Las Vegas — but it is based on one. Netflix's GLOW is inspired by an enormously popular '80s TV phenomenon The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling, which ran from. Fan Tan is a game found at the larger casinos in Macau. The game uses a pile of white buttons, a cup, and a wand. The game is played on a table about the size of a large craps table. The middle is the dealer's territory, which is covered by a clear plastic dome.

Ali Goldstein/Netflix

One of the many obstacles the GLOW wrestlers face in Season 3 is having to be far away from their loved ones during their extended stay in Las Vegas. On top of that, they're also putting on a live show almost every night, which means the majority of their spare time is spent hanging out in the confines of the casino they're residing in. But is the Fan-Tan Hotel from GLOW based on a real place? The name itself may be a complete work of fiction, but it is inspired by a place you were once able to go visit, once upon a time, if you ever happened to find yourself in the heart of Sin City.

The Netflix series may focus on fictional characters, but back in the '80s the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling was a very real TV show that ran from 1986 through 1990. In fact, the original series was actually filmed right in Las Vegas, and according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, production took place at the Riviera Hotel, which is where the cast lived for the first two years the show was on the air. So it stems to reason that the Fan-Tan Hotel is meant to serve as a direct representation of that former establishment.

Unfortunately, if you were hoping to book a room at the Riviera to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere the GLOW ladies surrounded themselves with, be prepared for disappointment. The Riviera Hotel closed down in 2015 after it was bought by The Las Vegas Convention and visitors Authority only to be demolished shortly thereafter to house the new convention center. But prior to that, it served as one of the oldest and well-known casino resorts on the Strip since its opening in 1955 and became a home away from home for the members of GLOW during the show's heyday.

Play Fan Tan Online

The 2012 documentary GLOW: The Story Of The Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling chronicled the wrestlers' time within the hotel, providing a behind-the-scenes look at their daily lives. The doc also revealed how most members ended up eventually moving out of the hotel and into apartments close by.

FanFan tan gum history

The Netflix iteration only shows the wrestlers staying at the Fan-Tan Hotel for a year, so it's unclear whether the casino will ever appear on the series again, should GLOW get renewed for a fourth season. Their time in Vegas appears to have drawn to a close, but if the Fan-Tan really is inspired by the Riviera Hotel, does that means fans should assume it befalls the same fate as its real-life counterpart? Since that would mean both Geena Davis' Sandy Devereaux St. Clair and Kevin Cahoons' Bobby Barnes would be out of a job, let's hope that doesn't end up being the case.

Fan Tan Casino

Fan Tan Game

Much like the fate of the show itself, it's hard to predict the Fan-Tan's future. But even though you can't experience the glitz and glamour firsthand, Season 3 will make you feel as though you've been living inside the casino right alongside these ladies.

Fan-tan is a gambling game that originated from the Chinese and is very popular around 1800’s. It is very well-known as yanqian which means covering coins and it is very similar to roulette since they are both games of luck. Then, let us know All about the game Fan-tan-Online Casino Guide.

All about the game Fan-tan-Online Casino Guide

It is well known during the Late Qing and Republican period in Canton and the Pearl River Delta region. The game spreads after 1850 when the Cantonese started migrating to other countries. The game is famous in America among all the Chinese migrants there. While the game is still being played in casinos world-wide like in Macau and even around America, it is not as popular as before since many card games like Poker are the favorite games in casinos right now. Below is more info All about the game Fan-tan – Online Casino Guide.

Fan Tan Casino Las Vegas

Fan-tan Gameplay


Playing the game is very easy, you just have to guess howmany beads will be left out between 1, 2, 3 and 4 after groups of four beadswill be separated. It is the spattering of beads or other small square-shaped thatmakes it confusing for the player but it is actually not that complicated.

To know more All about the game Fan-tan – Online CasinoGuide, the game will be on a table that is covered by mat, with the beads and acup or bowl covers on. The player will bet on the square which has numbers of1, 2, 3 and 4 to choose from. The dealer or also called the “tan kun” will give a hand sign for the playerto make a bet. After betting, the dealer will then ring the bell that marks endof betting then he will take the cup also called “jug-tan”. The dealer willcover around 60 out of the 200 beads and will swept away the remaining beadsand remove the cup. He will use a small bamboo stick with a crock to separatethe beads in group of four wherein the remaining beads will be either 1, 2, 3or 4 and that is the winning number.

The betting before was just on one number with a payoff of 3 for 1 or a healthy 25% house edge. However, there are other types of betting available in different casinos.

Options and Bets at Fan-tan

One number bet – 1, 2, 3 or 4. This bet pays 3 to 1, minus a5% commission which makes it 3.75% house edge.

Fan Tan Casino Las Vegas

Two numbers bet – 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 2-3, 2-4, or 3-4. This betpays 1 to 1, minus 5% commission which makes it 2.50% house edge.

Three numbers bet – 1-2-4, 1-3-4, 2-3-4, or 1-2-3. This betpays 1 to 3, minus 5% commission which makes it 1.25% house edge.

Some casinos have bets against any group of either two orthree numbers which pays the odds minus a 5% commission. There are also bets onodd or even with the same 5% commission and 1 to 1 payoff.

Fan Tan Casino


Fan Tan Richmond Va


Fan Tan Casino

All about the game Fan-tan – Online Casino Guide the game Fan-tanis an original Chinese gambling game which is played with beads, a cup or abowl and a small bamboo stick with a crook. The dealer (tan kun) will spread around 60 out of the 200 beads then separatesin a group of four and the number of beads that will be left out will be thewinning number.