Should Gambling Be Legalized In Texas Pros And Cons

Persuasive Speech Outline

Legalizing Casino Gambling in Texas
Specific Purpose Statement: To persuade my class about why legalizing casino gambling in Texas is for the better. Thesis Statement: Legalizing casino gambling in the state of Texas would enhance society and will be beneficial for the entire state. Organizational Pattern: Problem-Solution

Gambling should be legalized. Gambling can be great while it can also tear families apart. Gambling Gives you a chance to go from nothing to everything. You could spend a dollar on a lottery ticket and make 1 million dollars. The proposal to bring gambling to Texas brings to mind many pros and cons about having casinos accessible to residents of the Lone Star State. We believe most Texans have their own lists of pros. Before gambling on board the kind of this section 47.09 b 1, sec. Penal code levels the alleged simon, 1.3 percent, the tropics in income, sec. These casinos in the texas is enough slot machines, guardian but the sea palace casino by a father's day.

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I. Did you know that gambling generates more revenue than movies, spectator sports, theme parks, cruise ships and recorded music combined (“Statistics gambling facts,”)? II. Regardless of your opinion of gambling, the legalization of casino gambling is important because of all the benefits it will bring for the citizens of Texas.

Texas already has pari-mutuel betting and many state lottery programs. There is no logical reason to exclude the most lucrative form of gambling - casinos. Texans who don't like casinos can stay.

III. Jim Pitts, Texas House Appropriations Chairman, said that legalized casinos in Texas could bring in one billion dollars in the first two years and about four billion dollars each subsequent year (Stutz, 2010). IV. Legalizing casino gambling in the state of Texas would enhance society and will be beneficial for the entire state. V. First, the state of Texas loses much needed revenue to other states.

Second, legalized gambling would ensure the underworld would not be in power. Third, we will discuss what you can do to aid in legalizing casino gambling and solving the fore-mentioned problems. (To begin, we need to look at the current economic problems in Texas.)

I. First of all, the Lone Star state would greatly be able to advance her economy if we legalized casino gambling.

Should Gambling Be Legalized In Texas Pros And Cons

A. Texas is losing billions of dollars in revenue that could be used to relieve society’s social and economic problems.

A.1. According to, Texas residents are spending an outrageous 2.5 billion dollars at casinos located in our border states, such as Louisiana and Oklahoma (“Texans spend $2.5,” 2011). A.1.a. Texas residents’ vacation at other states and spend money at the casinos, hotels, gas stations and restaurants. Why should we go to other states and spend money there when we should be spending it in our own state? A.1.b. If casinos were legal in Texas, tourists would visit Texas and spend money, which would enrich our economy. A.2. Legalizing casino gambling would create more jobs, thus lowering the unemployment rate. A.2.a. This would lead to people not relying on social welfare programs provided by the government. A.2.b. Therefore, it would alleviate the budget allocated to welfare, which means the state could spend that money on education and other much needed programs. B. Furthermore, Texas would be able to tax the casinos.

B.1. Legalizing gambling would let Texas collect tax revenue from casinos and those who profit from playing.

B.1.a. The government could tax the casinos higher because Texas charges extra for sin taxes.

B.1.b. People who gamble also have to pay a certain portion of their earnings to the federal government.

B.2. In addition, Texas could collect revenue from licenses the casino owners would need to possess in order to stay in business. (Next, we need to look at the how illegal gambling creates criminals, which hurts society.) II. The legalization of gambling would bring the underworld of illegal gambling to a rest.

Should Gambling Be Legalized In Texas Pros And Cons Dropping

A. When I lived in Brownsville, Texas, I recall hearing a news story about a large group of people getting arrested for illegal casino gambling like they have committed a heinous crime. (Vela, 2012) A.1. If casino gambling were legal numerous people would not be in jail for something that is legal in numerous states next to us. A.2. Also, legalizing casino gambling would give the power of regulating casinos to the state as opposed to unauthorized individuals.

B. Legalizing casino gambling would mean that less time and money is wasted searching for illegal gaming arenas. B.1. Police effort could be focused more on other serious criminal issues, like solving murder, rather than gambling. B.2. Legalizing casino gambling would keep so called criminals out of jail and lessen the number of people in the prison system. (There is hope for solving the problems that arise because gambling is illegal.) III. Third, there are solutions to help solve the problems that come from not legalizing casino gambling.

A. Residents of the state of Texas need to petition to their local representatives.

A.1. You can write or call your local representative and express how you think legalizing casinos will help reduce crime and increase revenue for the state.

A.2. Gather friends to contact their representatives because a large majority can have the issue placed on election ballots.

B. Once the issue is placed on the ballot, we need to vote for legalizing casinos.


B.1. People need to become informed of the positives of legalizing gambling

B.2. Finally, they should vote for legalizing.

(Legalizing casino gambling is the best for Texas.)

I. To review, Texas does not allow casino gambling.

A. Texas has lost billions of dollars in revenue to other states.

B. In addition, illegal gambling has given crime lords power of controlling gaming set up in illegal casinos.

C. Nevertheless, Texas can solve this issue by legalizing casino gambling.

II. Legalizing casino gambling in the state of Texas would enhance society and will be beneficial for the entire state. III. Since there are no casinos in Texas, I will be driving six hours to Louisiana. If gambling were legal I would not have to make such a long journey. So lets save ourselves the trouble of having to drive all the way to Louisiana and lets try to convince our state government to legalize casino gambling.

Reference List
Statistics gambling facts & stats. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Stutz, H. (2010, May 13). Texas legislator pushes legalized gaming as budget salve. Retrieved from

Texans spend $2.5 billion gambling in our neighboring states every year. (2011, April 19). Retrieved from

People always connote sports betting in a negative light, as it is part of gambling. Throughout the years, the sports betting industry has continuously battled the state to make the activity legal and valid. And although most parts of the United States were able to get a go signal, few still remain in rage.

It’s a fact that sports betting takes place in every sporting event, and some do not agree with this idea. However, if you look at the bigger picture of sports betting, it is the sole reason why a sport has become more popular. Aside from that, it attracts more fans, making sports events more thrilling and exciting.

As the debate for legalizing sports betting continues to be in hot water today, it is undeniably practiced in some states where sports betting is legal. Hence, to understand better why sports betting needs attention in all aspects, let’s get to know both the pros and cons it provides not only to bettors but to all esteemed sports fans all over the world.

The Pros Of Sports Betting

Here are the advantages sports betting can bring both for the fans and the sporting event.

It’s Already A Developing Industry

Regardless of legality, sports betting has existed since long ago and served as the backbone of many sporting events on earth. This kind of industry offers a win-win situation for both the games and the bettors. The profits that they can both earn comes in huge numbers and can ameliorate immediate financial needs.

Should Gambling Be Legalized In Texas Pros And Cons Death Penalty

Also, the U.S. Supreme Court is still in the process of fully approving this kind of activity. While staying on that matter, they are still allowing sports betting in some states, but in a fairer environment.

It Aids The Economy

One convincing reason why sports betting must be legalized is for tax purposes. The massive availability of sports betting can create enormous taxes for the state and the nation as a whole. It can help the state earn money that can help them fund on-going and upcoming projects, making them more progressive.

Apart from that, it can also open many job opportunities for those who want to earn money. In that sense, the opportunity to make money through sports betting is limitless. Thus, providing a positive impact both for the bettors, the sporting events, and the state.

Sports Corruption Is More Controlled

When sports betting is not legal, there is a high possibility that oddsmakers can lure the public in all wagering games they can play. There are no laws that can govern the whole betting guidelines, and they can tame the gamblers by all means. Also, they can make odds always come in their favor, which may not benefit the sports fans at all.

The Cons Of Sports Betting

When you think that sports betting is good in most aspects, here are some disadvantages that prevent other people from believing that it is a good practice.

Illegal Practice Won’t Ultimately Disappear

As stated above, bookies don’t make a generous credit to help their bettors earn a lot. Although some gamblers can outsmart bookies by making smart bets, most of the time, these bookies prevent that from happening. They usually build their odds value wonderfully to entice every bettor, who ends up losing instead of winning.

It Changes The Nature Of American Sports

The purpose of sports is for fans to get entertained when boredom strikes. Aside from that, it will help them how to play the game and learn the guidelines set in every sporting event. When sports betting becomes legal, the fans might end up focusing more on studying each odds value for betting purposes, not for the nature of the game.

Moreover, sports will become more commercialized as it involves more money. When this happens consistently, games in the coming years will be offered for sports betting purposes, not for entertainment.

Should Gambling Be Legalized In Texas Pros And Cons Disadvantages

It Can Lead To Addiction

Should Gambling Be Legalized In Texas Pros And Cons Against

Sports betting involves a considerable amount of money, and addiction is inevitable. For a beginner, they may find this intimidating, but if they get hooked, they might not notice that they are already using the money allotted for personal expenses.

Sports betting doesn’t have any formula that helps you win consistently. It’s a winning or losing kind of game, and the chances of losing are higher than winning.


By conducting thorough research on its long-term effects and benefits, the decision to legalize sports betting is left in the hands of the Government. If this will become legal, the sports industry and its market must make sure that they are properly guided with its rules, so the game becomes fair. Whether your personal choice is to legalize sports betting or not, the option is for you to weigh and see how this platform will affect the economy’s nation in the long run.